Registration Information - Trail Youth Baseball (13-18 year olds)
Divisions of play:
In 2025, Trail Youth Baseball is planning for two divisions of regular spring season play:
Senior: players born in 2007, 2008, 2009. We're aiming for 12 games (approximate, depending on number of teams), planned to be primarily on Mondays and Wednesdays. Games starting mid April and ending mid June.
Junior: players born in 2010, 2011, and Jan 1 - Aug 31 2012. We're aiming for 14 games (approximate, depending on number of teams), planned to be primarily on Tuesdays and Thursdays, plus a few Sundays. Games starting mid to late April, and ending late June.
Similar to past years, we are currently planning for Senior and Junior teams to play in a regional league against teams from Castlegar and Nelson. Potentially, the Junior division will also include games against Kaslo (to be confirmed).
Registration Process:
Register online. Work your way through the whole form; there are 4 'pages'. Your registration is not complete or accepted until you get to the screen that says 'Thanks for Registering !'
Payment - You have two options for payment of Registration Fees:
a) Pay online as you complete your registration.
b) Select 'Pay Offline'. If you're not sure about paying yet, but want to secure your registration, this option allows you to pay at the park (by cheque to Trail Youth Baseball) - or sign back into your TeamSnap account at a later time, and pay online then.
All registration fees must be paid by April 11, 2025.
If you have any issues with this Registration, or questions, contact Scott Wallace. email:
In addition to registration fees:
A $50 League Work fee is required for all players, unless you plan to complete League Work duties. The League Work duties will involve one 'shift' of field preparation / cleanup at Jason Bay Field at Butler Park at the start of the season (likely during the week of April 1 - 4, to be confirmed).
Refund Policy:
Registration fees will be refunded in full until April 14th (the planned start of season games).
Registration fees will be refunded at 50% for the first two weeks of the season, until April 28th.
No refunds will be given after that time.